boundary - definitie. Wat is boundary
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Wat (wie) is boundary - definitie

Boundaries; Boundary (disambiguation); Boundaries (film)

·noun That which indicates or fixes a limit or extent, or marks a bound, as of a territory; a bounding or separating line; a real or imaginary limit.
The boundary of an area of land is an imaginary line that separates it from other areas.
...the Bow Brook which forms the western boundary of the wood...
Drug traffickers operate across national boundaries.
= border, frontier
N-COUNT: oft N of/between n
The boundaries of something such as a subject or activity are the limits that people think that it has.
The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.
...extending the boundaries of press freedom.
N-COUNT: usu pl, oft N of/between n
Limit, border, confine, march, bourn, bound, verge, term, termination.



Boundary or Boundaries may refer to:

  • Border, in political geography
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor boundary
1. Drawing a boundary-- people respect the boundary.
Jessica Zweig _ Be - A No-Bullsh_t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth & Net Worth _ Talks at Google
2. a boundary.
The Art of Community & Belonging _ Charles Vogl _ Talks at Google
3. that boundary?
Moral Tribes - Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them _ Joshua Green _ Talks at Google
4. big trans-boundary rivers.
Sustaining Alaska's Wild Salmon Economy _ Jill Weitz _ Talks at Google
5. and pushing the boundary.
Beyond the Cronut® _ Dominique Ansel _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor boundary
1. Afghanistan has never, including the Taliban regime, recognized that boundary as a legitimate boundary.
2. Troublesome boundary In return, Dili is expected to suspend talks on finalising a maritime boundary between the two countries.
3. "I‘m at the boundary." The boundary was the line of bushes at the edge of her plot.
4. How can you be certain which side of a boundary you are when that boundary has never been drawn?
5. There will also be a boundary commission to delinate Darfurs North–South boundary as of first of January 1'56.